The Mardasson Memorial in Bastogne,
2006, 124 pages
Michel FRANCARD et Robert MOERYNCKédité par l'asbl "Musée de la Parole en Ardenne"
The Mardasson memorial, known more simply as "Mardasson", is today one of the symbols of Bastogne, both in Belgium and abroad. It figures without a doubt amongst the best know Walloon monuments of the other side of the Atlantic.
This imposing construction, in the form of a star, serves as a reminder of the bitter resistance of American soldiers, surrounded in Bastogne at the time of the Ardennes Offensive (winter 1944-1945). Here, the American army paid a heavy price to war, as did German troops and civilians.
Although the events which the memorial seeks to commemorate prompted a great deal of writing,littte has been written on the main stages of its construction, from the decision to erect it by the Belgo-American Association, in the immediarte aftermath of the Second World War, up to its inauguration on16 July, 1950, as well as the various commemorations regularly held in its honour.
Nevertheless, this book, with its numerous illustrations, casts new light on, and offers completelyunprecedented information about the Mardasson memorial, partially based on the personal archives ofthe memorial architect, Georges Dedoyard. Both the public and specialists will (re)discover the oftenturbulent story behind the construction of this unusual monument, the main characters in the story andmany other elements which " give a voice " to the stones of the memorial.
Michel FRANCARD is a professor of French linguistics and sociolinguistics at the Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve). He has devoted several publications to the Roman languages of Wallonia (Southern part of Belgium), which include an important Dictionnaire des parlers wallons du pays de Bastogne [Dictionary of the WaIloon from the Bastogne regionl] (1994), and various ethnolinguistic studies about Bastogne and the central Ardennes.
Robert MOËRYNCK, retired teacher from the Institut Saint-Joseph de Bastogne, has written several books on the bastogne region, more precisely .on the industrial history (on the slate quarry in Benonchamps, the lead mine in Longvilly) and on the monumental patrimony (war memorials, religious buildings, etc.)
Michel Francard and Robert Moërynck have already worked together on a comprehensive study of the streets of Bastogne (Pavêye et pa podrî. Les rues de bastogne hieret aujourd'hui, 1991) and currently joint their efforts to promote the regional heritage within the non profit association "Musée de la Parole en Ardenne".
Le mémorial du Mardasson, plus simplement appelé "Mardasson", est aujourd'hui un des emblèmes de Bastogne, en Belgique et à l'étranger. Il figure sans conteste parmi les monuments de Wallonie les mieux connus outre-Atlantique.
Cette construction imposante, en forme d'étoile, rappelle la résistance acharnée des soldats américains, encerclés dans Bastogne lors de l'Offensive des Ardennes (hiver 1944-1945). L'armée américaine y a payé un lourd tribut à la guerre, tout comme les troupes allemandes et les civils.
Alors que les événements dont il célèbre la mémoire ont suscité une abondante littérature, le mémorial du Mardasson n'a jamais fait l'objet d'une publication d'envergure retraçant les étapes de sa construction, décidée dès le lendemain de la seconde guerre mondiale par l'Association belgo-Américaine, jusqu'à son inauguration le 16 juillet 1950 et les diverses commémorations qui le mettent régulièrement à l'honneur.
Comblant cette lacune, ce livre apporte un éclairage original et des données totalement inédites, accompagnées de nombreuses illustrations, dont une partie provient des archives personnelles de l'architecte du mémorial, Georges Dedoyard. Tant le grand public que les spécialistes pourront (re)découvrir l'histoire souvent tumultueuse de l'édification de ce monument hors norme, les principaux acteurs qui s'y sont impliqués et bien d'autres éléments qui "font parler" les pierres du mémorial.
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